Pteria penguin

Access to genome browser and other tools for the genome - Pending
Resampling required
Sample collected
Sample acquired
Data generation
In assembly
Insdc open
- Scientific name accepted: Pteria penguin
- Authority: Unknown
- Genus: Pteria
- Species: Pteria penguin
- Ploidy: Unknown
- Common name: No common name known
- Collect event: MI-Kanameco
- Coordinator(s): PUILLANDRE Nicolas
- Operator(s): None
- Date: March 8, 2024
- Site (sea): Pacific Ocean
- Site (region): None
- Latitude: -22.329763
- Longitude: 166.444348
No occurrence data available from GBIF
- Download Pteria penguin archive (pending)
- Genome data portal (pending)
- GoaT (pending)
- WoRMS (pending)
- NCBI (pending)
- GBIF (pending)
- OBIS (pending)
- INPN (pending)
- OpenObs (pending)
- ENA BioProject of the sequencing raw data: Pending
- ENA BioProject of the genome assembly: Pending
- Assembly accession: Pending
- Download EAR report with genome assembly metrics
- Assembly ploidy: Not communicated
- Sequencing: Not communicated
- Size: Undetermined
- GC content: Undetermined
- Number of chromosomes: Undetermined
- Number of scaffolds: Undetermined
- N50 of scaffolds: Undetermined
- L50 of scaffolds: Undetermined
- Number of contigs: Undetermined
- N50 of contigs: Undetermined
- L50 of contigs: Undetermined
- Protein-coding genes: Undetermined
- Gene length (average): Undetermined
- Gene length (median): Undetermined
- CDS length (average): Undetermined
- CDS length (median): Undetermined
- CDS proportion (genome): Undetermined
- Genes without introns: Undetermined
- Number of contigs with at least one gene (genome): Undetermined
- Number of contigs with at least one gene (bases): Undetermined
Genome (BUSCO results, with eukaryota lineage dataset)
- Single-copy genes: Undetermined
- Duplicated genes: Undetermined
- Fragmented genes: Undetermined
- Missing genes: Undetermined
- Single-copy genes: Undetermined
- Duplicated genes: Undetermined
- Fragmented genes: Undetermined
- Missing genes: Undetermined